Alex and Marcy leave tomorrow for Ginowan, Okinawa to help kids in an orphanage paint a Love Mural.  We don’t know what the exact wording will be. Will they use Japanese characters or calligraphy?  Stay tuned.  We do know that Alex has extensive experience creating art in public with children and adults:  240 murals in 25 states and 6 countries since 1997.  Alex founded Art Builds Community (ABC) in 2004, a mural painting program for teenagers.  By 2014 he created the YOU ARE LOVED mural project splashing walls with art in schools, homeless shelters, prisons, worship communities and now, an orphanage.  Last year the orphanage had 40 kids.  This year there are 200.  With his wife, Marcy by his side we expect nothing less than a spiritual and creative adventure for everyone.

for more about Alex:

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