Love Mural Gang

Love Mural Gang

This is the Japanese LOVE MURAL GANG.  They are Elders.  They are Chaplains.  They are Children.                                                                  Photos are still rolling in.  They’re “working fast and furious,” according to Alex. ...
About Muralist Alex Cook

About Muralist Alex Cook

Alex and Marcy leave tomorrow for Ginowan, Okinawa to help kids in an orphanage paint a Love Mural.  We don’t know what the exact wording will be. Will they use Japanese characters or calligraphy?  Stay tuned.  We do know that Alex has extensive experience...


We have added a dropdown menu on the donor button so LOVE MURALS by Alex Cook can be added.  Here’s his website:  Alex and Marci Girt are headed to Japan for an international mural exchange.  They are preparing to help kids in...

Libraries and Schools

Many years ago, the public library I visited when I was pregnant with my first child showed a large number of books about natural birth in their ‘card catalog’.  When I went to the stacks, however, there was only one small 78 page, spiral bound book with...


Just a heads up.  An epidural for pain relief during labor is often called a “cocktail of drugs”.  Does cocktail sound desirable?  Well, not usually revealed is that most epidurals contain fentanyl, an opioid 50-100 times stronger than morphine.  Any drug,...